
Procurement - SMTL

SMTL and NWSSP (Procurement) work together to provide evidence which is used to make decisions about medical device purchases for the Welsh NHS. We are working with SMTL & NWSSP to help undertake user assessments of wound dressings. Tissue Viability Nurses across Wales will be using the WDDCP devices to collect data on the usability of various dressings, which will be relayed to SMTL for analysis, helping SMTL and NWSSP Procurement Services to make informed purchasing decisions for NHS Wales.

Medical Student Research - CUReS

The CUReS Short Duration projects are aimed at giving 3rd-5th year medical students experience in research by taking on small projects while on clinical placement. These projects typically run over 2-4 weeks requiring just a few hours of input each week. We support these projects as needed through data collection form design and use of tablet devices completely free (as with all our other projects!). You can find all the currently available projects on the CUReS website or even propose one!


Sepsis Study

The first research project to utilise the WDDC Platform was a national research collaborative where 160 medical students collected data in 16 Welsh hospitals on the prevalence of sepsis over 24 hours. 59 of our devices were used for this study and we received more than 1300 forms during the study period. This was the perfect example of how scalable the platform is. This project has now been repeated each year through until 2019