Welsh Digital Data Collection Platform

A non-profit organisation making it easy for researchers and students to collect data without paper.

Ben Sharif


Development of the platform has been possible due to the following partners: National Student Association of Medical Research (NSAMR) Website NSAMR is WDDCP's partner organisation. It is a non-profit, non-governmental and non-partisan student-led organisation representing an association of medical research societies nationally. Cardiff University Research…

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Ben Sharif


Put simply, the WDDCP is a platform for collecting data for research, audits and surveys electronically using bespoke tablet devices or the data collector's own personal device. We believe that paper-based forms of data collection throughout the NHS are flawed. They have numerous problems including…

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Ben Sharif


Procurement - SMTLSMTL and NWSSP (Procurement) work together to provide evidence which is used to make decisions about medical device purchases for the Welsh NHS. We are working with SMTL & NWSSP to help undertake user assessments of wound dressings. Tissue Viability Nurses across Wales…

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Ben Sharif


The Welsh Digital Data Collection Platform non-profit organisation aimed at making it easy for researchers and students to collect data without the need for traditional paper-based forms. The service was created from an acute need to be scale up smaller research projects to an all-Wales level. We strongly…

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Ben Sharif

Health Technology Challenge Wales

We have now launched our proposal for the Health Technology Challenge Wales (HTCW), which allows healthcare, industry and academics to come together to discuss and solve problems. A panel will then evaluate the proposals, followed by shortlisting and interviews. Projects can be award up to £25,000 to solve the identified problem. To view our proposal and vote, please visit the IdeaScale website.

"Paper-based forms of data collection throughout the NHS are flawed. They have numerous problems including poor security of data, delays from collection to data analysis, risk of transcription errors when entered into a computer and risk of poor completion and missing or illegible entry.

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